Monday, January 5, 2009

Commencement... finally.

I started school back in October of 2005. Seems like such a long time ago. Especially for it only being a 2-year degree. But nonetheless, I have finished school and will be graduating this Saturday. It's finally starting to hit me as I have been inviting people to come -last minute. With the short notice, it looks like not many will make it. Those who will be able to make it will share the day with me as I finally finish what I started. It's probably going to be an emotional day for me. I worked really hard for something a lot of people take for granted.

This moment came close to not happening at all, when I tried to re-enroll for the last few classes I had left. I had to sit in front of a committee and promise that I would finish my two terms, with not one absence. I did it, as promised.

My hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. I'm lucky to be doing what I love, everyday, and still have time for what matters most to me: my family. I'm not, by any means, wealthy, but I'm able to provide for my daughter and that's all that matters.

I couldn't have done it alone though. Over the past few years I had the full support of my friends and family. If you're reading this, I want to Thank you all.


LaAlicia said...


Bing ReMade said...

Congrats on finishing school! Added your links to my blog! Good luck to you!