Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SusanaOrtiz.com Launch!

I am pleased to announce the launch of SusanaOrtiz.com.

I teamed up with my day job boss and we designed this sweet, simple, flash site to showcase my photography. I decided to start doing photography under my own name, so I got the domain that is, well, my name. Because... what if I get famous or something? Hehe, one can wish!

It's only got a few old pics up, but I will be adding more soon. I have a few projects coming up that should spice up my portfolio.

Anyway, take a look and tell me what you all think. Test out the email and send me a note!



Unknown said...

Your new site looks great. When I get my womens line of shirts together I might need you to do the photography.

Susie said...

Of course :)